Fission: -
- "It does not contribute to the air pollutants in the environment."
- "It does not need costly energy fuels."
- "It is capable of providing energy for 2 to 3 years."
- "It does not make global warming worse."
- "It produces a nuclear reaction that is important."
- "It helps with the field of astronomy."
- "It can harm the environment in a way that it disposes waste."
- "It poses a risk to public health."
- "It can cause deadly and costly accidents."
- "It has the potential to open the door for terrorists to create powerful weapons."
Fusion Reactions: -
- "Clean energy ."
- "Virtually limitless fuel available ."
- "No chain reaction. Easier to control or stop than fission ."
- "Nuclear fission is either a nuclear reaction or a radioactive decay process in which the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts (lighter nuclei) ."
- "Little or no nuclear waste. Core remains radioactive for only 100 years. Possibly radioactive structural elements ."
- "Very low fuel cost."
- "Unproven (it will take another years of research to explore it on commercial scale) ."
- "Commercial power plants will be very expensive to build ."
- "Requires extremely high temperatures .
If cold fusion could be achieved, it would be much easier to implement."