Tout d’abord, nous _AVONS VISITÉ__ (visiter) les monuments de la ville.
It's Passé composé since it's a complete action.. you did visit the monuments of the city.
Ensuite, nous _SOMMES ALLÉS__ (aller) à la plage.
Again, Passé composé for a complete action, you went to the beach.
Heureusement, il __faisait_ (faire) beau.
Imparfait, since it's a circumstance. (the weather was nice)
Tout le monde _SE PROMENAIT_ (se promener),
Imparfait, since it's a context... an action of long duration. (everyone was walking)
et on __S'EST AMUSÉ_ (s’amuser).
Passé composé, since it's a complete action (we had fun)
Nous _SOMMES RENTRÉS_ (rentrer) à l’hôtel tard.
Passé composé, since it's a completed action (you returned to the hotel late)