Mark T for True and F for False. Electronic components in computers process data using instructions, which are the steps that tell the computer how to perform a particular task. An all-in-one contains a separate tower. Smartphones typically communicate wirelessly with other devices or computers. Data conveys meaning to users, and information is a collection of unprocessed items, which can include text, numbers, images, audio, and video. A headset is a type of input device. A scanner is a light-sensing output device. Although some forms of memory are permanent, most memory keeps data and instructions temporarily, meaning its contents are erased when the computer is turned off. A solid-state drive contains one or more inflexible, circular platters that use magnetic particles to store data, instructions, and information. The terms, web and Internet, are interchangeable. One way to protect your computer from malware is to scan any removable media before using it. Operating systems are a widely recognized example of system software. You usually do not need to install web apps before you can run them.