C-14 => N-14 + β⁻
Step-by-step explanation:
C-14 over time decays by beta emission to N-14. Before decay, C-14 nucleus contains 6 protons and 8 neutrons. It is accepted that a neutron (n°) is composed of 1 proton (p⁺) and 1 electron (e⁻). Beta emission indicates loss/discharge of a high energy e⁻ from the nucleus of C-14 leaving 7 protons and 7 neutrons. The number of protons defines the element, N-14 as a product of the decay process with the β particle (high energy electron) the other. To check, remember, the ∑mass Reactants = ∑mass Products (superscript numbers) and ∑reactant charges = ∑product charges (subscript numbers
₆C¹⁴ => ₇N¹⁴ + ₋₁e° or, C-14 => N-14 + β