The Victorian age existed during 1831 to 1901 when the population increased from 13.9 million to 2.5 million. During this period the rapid increase of population occurred.
There are many effects in in the population of the Victorian age.Like as;
1. Rapid growth of population: The population was growing unprecedentedly during the Victorian age .
2.Improve of life standard: During this time the life standard of the British people was improved. People had money on their hand .So they had bigger families.
3.Result of Industrialization: Britain was leading country in the rapid growth of industrialization and population. People got better aspect of life after industrial revolution and the population also increased.
4. Escape from Malthusian trap: Thomas Malthus believed that the when population grow rapid but the resource increases slowly that causes some crisis such as famine,war or epidemic.As a result again the population is decreased in a desirable size which is known as Malthusian trap. But the Britain escaped from Malthusian trap due to industrialization.
As a result people did not face any crisis and improved their life standard.
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