Global warming is a gradual increase in the temperature of the earth surface and atmosphere all around the world. It is caused due to the greenhouse effect of increased level of green house gases such as carbon dioxide, CFCs, etc. There are various types of pollutants also which involved in increasing the atmospheric temperature of the earth. Increasing use of fossil fuels by the people and deforestation is increasing carbon dioxide emissions which trap heat and cause greenhouse effect. Water vapor is also a significant greenhouse gas which is not directly produced by humankind but involve in global warming hugely. A slight increase in the level of CO2 causes marked increase in earth temperature. Green house gases absorb and re-radiate infrared radiations which ultimately cause green house effect. Because of deforestation, CO2 is not absorbed well and remain in the atmosphere for long time and trap heat.
Global warming has hugely impacted the environment and human life to a great extent for many years. The level of sea water is increasing continuously every year and creating fear for the nearby cities, islands and seawater animals. Rainfall pattern has also disturbed which causes drought in some areas and flooding in other areas. Ice caps and glaciers are melting continuously and its level depends on the increased level of temperature. It is causing loss of habitat near to the poles and polar bears have greatly endangered. Wild animals living in the forest are endangered because of their habitat loss due to deforestation.
Bleaching of Coral Reefs and loss of Plankton are done due to warming seas and acidification (carbonic acid formation. Various types of diseases are also spreading especially malaria to the nearby regions. Now, it has become very necessary for the countries worldwide especially developed countries to reduce their carbon emission as quickly as possible. US need to reduce its carbon emission to a great extent in order to solve the problem of global warming. Limiting some of the promising sectors like coal-fired electricity and wind power can reduce in carbon emissions in nearby decades.
Global warming is the all over rise in temperature of the earth surface. It has affected the environment and whole atmosphere and has resulted into the huge level climate change. A huge change in the earth’s climate system because of the global warming is observed in the recent past years. The effects of increased global temperature are melting ice, warmed continents, increasing sea level, seasonal changes, climate changes, changing precipitation, expansion of deserts in the subtropics regions, etc. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has reported in 2014 that according to scientists, global warming is mostly a human being created environmental issue. It is mainly caused by ever increasing level of greenhouse gases on the earth.
Impacts of global warming differ from region to region all over the world. Retreat of glaciers, sea ice, more frequent extreme weather events, heat waves, heavy rainfall and snowfall, droughts, floods, ocean acidification, species extinctions, etc are some huge impacts of shifting temperature regimes. In order to reduce the effect of global warming, effective societal responses are needed to be implemented and followed urgently.
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