Your Answers:
1: C. Weather Services
2: B. Seaweed
3: C. He developed a particularity narrow ship (I think.)
4: True The founder/creator of the first echo sounder was German inventor, Alexander Behm.
5: B. The solution favors human needs over environmental. (I think.)
6: True (I think)
7: C. Polar bears and Walruses (I think.)
8: B. A single approach in every situation (I think)
9: A. Most pollution occurs in the ocean
10: A. Walrus Definition of a pinniped: a carnivorous aquatic mammal of the order <i>Pinnipedia</i>, such as a seal or walrus.
11: D. Water conditions around coral reefs (I think)
12: True
13: A. Coastal regions (I think)
Sorry if any of them are incorrect. Some of these I am unsure of how to answer. Hope I helped you,