Some places rely on water from the ice sheets to replenish their water supply
Step-by-step explanation:
The melting of the ice sheets can and will cause a lot of problems, but replenishing water supplies is not one of them as there isn't such a thing going on in the world that uses the water from the ice sheets. The areas where the ice sheets are are mostly not populated, and the majority of the settlements are actually scientific and military stations, not permanent settlements.
The melting though will cause lot of problems, and mainly because of where the human population is distributed, mostly along the coastlines. If this was not the case, then the melting of the ice sheets would have been a very useful thing as more places would become greener, larger area will be available for agriculture, and the climate in general will be more pleasant. Unfortunately, the people mostly live along the coastlines, so the rising sea levels, and change of the ocean currents will cause a lot of damage. While the loss of the ice around the poles will result in the dying out of numerous species of flora and fauna that is specialized to that environment.