CARLA: ¿Ya te has comprado una computadora nueva?
ESTEBAN: No, cuando fui a la tienda la oferta ya había terminado y no tengo mucho dinero ahora.
CARLA: Cuando yo compré la mía la semana pasada, el vendedor me dijo que ya habían vendido más de cincuenta computadoras portátiles.
ESTEBAN: ¡Qué lástima! No he podido ir antes porque he tenido demasiado trabajo.
CARLA ¿Has escrito ya el informe para tu clase de biología?
ESTEBAN: Sí, me reuní con mi grupo ayer, pero todavía no he presentado el informe. Te cuento también que mi vieja computadora se ha roto otra vez. Nunca me había fallado antes, pero últimamente no ha parado de darme problemas.
CARLA Te puedo prestar la mía, prácticamente no la he usado en las últimas dos semanas y no creo que la necesite hoy.
Translated version:
(CARLA: Have you bought a new computer yet?
ESTEBAN: No, when I went to the store the offer was over and I don't have much money now.
CARLA: When I bought mine last week, the seller told me that they had already sold more than fifty laptops.
ESTEBAN: What a pity! I have not been able to go before because I have had too much work.
CARLA: Have you written the report for your biology class yet?
ESTEBAN: Yes, I met with my group yesterday, but I haven't submitted the report yet. I also tell you that my old computer has broken again. It had never failed me before, but lately, it hasn't stopped giving me problems.
CARLA: I can lend you mine, I haven't practically used it in the last two weeks and I don't think I will need it today.)
Step-by-step explanation:
These sentences use Past Perfect (pretérito pluscuamperfecto) tense. Past Perfect is used to refer to actions that happened in the past and prior to other actions that also happened in the past. To form a correct sentence in Past Perfect tense, you have to use the verb "haber" in the imperfect with a past participle.