Paul was a young boy. Not older than 15 and not younger than 2. He was a very good boy. You know a daily kid you see in school. But one day, He vanished. He always bragged about his perfect attendance, so it was strange of him to be absent. The administration of the school called his parents and thats when I heard...He's at Chick Fil A! ( Nah just messing with you). He wasn't home either. His mother crying in the other line of the cell phone was the only thing you can hear. Luckily I had a plan. I told the local residents to search every square inch of the city. It was no problem because it was so small. I went to go check the park. Nothing. I went to go check his friends house. Nothing. Lastly, I went to go check his bedroom and there it was... HIS BODY! So peacefully laid out. I went close and cried. His body just so stiff. I gave him a kiss and he moved. Came into my ear and said " Say No Homo Or Im Gonna Kill You". I gave him the biggest punch on Planet Earth. He told me what happened and He said he was kidnapped by a fat man. A week later, on the news, that same man got arrested.The End
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