1. the outer layer of the eye: G scelra
2. when a light ray bends, or changes direction, when it moves from one material into another: F refraction
3. an optical instrument that makes objects that are far away look closer: K telescope
4. the point where all of the beams of light leaving a lens converge: focal point
5. a term for a medium that transmits nearly all the light rays that hit it: C transparent
6. the distance between any two peaks or any two troughs of a wave: J wavelength
7. a term used to describe a person who cannot see close objects clearly: B
8. a term used to describe a person who cannot see faraway objects clearly: M nearsighted
9. a narrow beam of light that travels in a straight line: H light ray
10. a curved, transparent object used to refract light: lens
11. a word used to describe a medium that only allows some of the light rays that hit it to pass through it: E translucent
12. the process of converting light energy into...(can't see the rest)
13. (isn't visible either)