There are 3 major things I would propose: the first one is universal free healthcare, the second one would be corporate obligated contributions for healthcare and the third one would be high standars for the free healthcare system.
Step-by-step explanation:
All right, first of all, to guarantee the right of health and well-being o citizens, The U.S. government should declare a free access healthcare system with all the types of services and attention. To keep that working we would require money, the U.S. has the best economy production worldwide, so corporations would have to provide for two reasons. The first one would be the responsibility they have with society by been American honorable, responsible and grateful to their workers, clients, and nation. It would be the most significant evidence of patriotism, if they didn't help the public health system they would pay more taxes, their marketing would be reduced, their packaging would be marked and by law, they would not be patriots and the people would know that in a yearly publication of the American patriot companies. And the third thing I would recommend would be high standards in all areas of service attention in the public healthcare system. We can't play with people's health, it is sacred.