In social sciences, there are five types of kinesics or body language expressions: emblems, illustrators, affect displays, regulators and adaptors. These examples represent each type of kinesics:
1. Shaking your head while saying "No." - Illustrator, that accompany and reinforce the verbal message.
2. Nodding your head for "Yes." - Emblem, because it substitutes the verbal message.
3. Tapping a pen when anxious - Adaptator, that is used to relieve tension, either because it is a nervous habit or an involuntary tick.
4. Chewing on a pen cap while thinking - Affect display, that are movements of the body or face that carry meaning or emotion.
5. Putting your hand to your ear so someone will speak up - Regulator, because it controls the flow of the communication by sending a message to the other party that he or she is being listened to.