The best way that the manager would use the 5 Step Process in order to resolve the miscommunication problem would be as follows:
Step 1- What is the Problem?
The company was not prepared for you to start today. They did not have a trainer or my login available to start, in other to be able to connect to the information data in the company system and commence tasks.
Step-by-step explanation:
This was certainly a miscommunication problem from the HR department and thus proper planning were not made.
Step 2- What are the alternatives?
They could have you sit with someone else in the company so that you could watch what they are doing, and finish up any hiring paperwork that was needed to be finished, or they could have you go home for the day and return back again tomorrow.
Step-by-step explanation:
In other not to waste the whole day, staying to learn how their processes are carried out seems like the ultimate alternative.
Step 3- What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of each alternative?
- The advantages of staying and learning off someone else for one day or doing paperwork would be that the day was not a total loss and you could still get some training achieved for the day (no knowledge is wasted). Disadvantage of this is that sometimes you might loose interest of the designation of the co-worker department, which at the end of the day might feel like a waste of time to you.
- The disadvantage would be if I had to go back home after already getting there and not getting paid for the day. Advantages of having to go home immediately is that you will be more productive the next day, because you know what to expect already at work and will be more proactive.
Step 4- What is the solution?
There could be a compromise of training for half a day or carrying out the hiring paperwork and then proceed home afterwards. This way they are not paying for you to just sit there all day unproductive and you still at least get paid for half a day instead of nothing at all.
Step-by-step explanation:
In the end the company will appreciate your pro-activeness and might be wiling to make extra efforts to get you started that say day with possibility of getting you a full day's pay.
Step 5- How well is the solution working?
The solution is working good. It is not a complete loss for either party. You gain extra additional training skills with extra pay hours and the manager gets all hiring paperwork ready all thanks to you. Whichever way works fine, in the end you both get something positive out of the new solution.