B) meiosis
Step-by-step explanation:
Meiosis is a process of cell division in which cells have their chromosome numbers halved and form distinct units due to crossing-over. Through this process plant spores and gametes are formed in animals - eggs and sperm.
As we all know, the egg is the female gamete and the sperm the male. Both the spumatozoa and the egg have half the alleles of each parent that will be passed on to their children.
The sperm has a "pouch" full of digestive enzymes called the acrosome, which helps in fertilization by digesting the egg wall, allowing its entry. When the sperm enters the egg it delivers its DNA, sensing the entry of this genetic material, this mucus that surrounds the once gelatinous egg, stiffens, preventing the entry of other sperm. This is why the egg is fertilized by only one sperm.