Hello there!
The numbers in order from least to greatest are:
0.2222, 3/10, 0.53, 3/5
Start by turning all the numbers into either decimals. To do this, take the two fractions, 3/5 and 3/10 and divide them out.
3 divided by 5 = 0.6
3 divided by 10 = 0.3
Now let's look at our numbers again.
0.3, 0.222, 0.6, 0.53.
We know that 2 is less than 3, and 3 is less than 5, and 5 is less than 6, so lets rearrange the numbers into that order.
0.2222, 0.3, 0.53, 0.6
Now, convert any fractions that were converted into decimals back into their original forms.
0.2222, 3/10, 0.53, 3/5
This is your final answer. I hope this helps and have a great day!