The percent decreased of the number of visitors to Alec’s website
from February to March is 9.1%
* Lets talk about the percentage of increase and decrease
- Percent of Increase (Decrease) =
(amount of increase or decrease ÷ original amount) × 100%
- Increase {New amount > Original amount}
- Decrease {Original amount > New amount}
* Now lets solve the problem
- The number of visitors in February is 1518
- The number of visitors in March is 1380
- The number in March < the number in February
∴ The decreasing amount = 1518 - 1380 = 138 visitors
∵ The original number = 1518
∴ The percent decreased = (138 ÷ 1518) × 100% = 9.1%
* The percent decreased of the number of visitors to Alec’s website
from February to March is 9.1%