1: entry word; 2: respelling; 3: part of speech; 4: alternate forms; 5: etymology; 6: definition; 7: synonym; 8: illustrative quote are the correct answers.
Step-by-step explanation:
Entry word is the entry of a dictionary, glossary or encyclopedia. Different format is used to distinguish the word from the rest of the entry.
Respelling means to spell a word again, usually indicating how it is pronounced.
Part of speech is what type of word is; in this case, the n means that the word is a noun.
Alternate forms is another version of the word; in this case, it refers to the plural form of the word (dictionaries.)
Etymology is the historical development of a word and how the meaning changed or stayed the same.
Definition is the explanation of the word itself.
Synonyms are words that have a similar meaning and can be used in specific situations to avoid repetition.
Illustrative quote is an example of the word in context and how it works in a real situation.