DOCTORA: ¿Qué síntomas tiene?
JOSÉ LUIS: Tengo tos y me duele la cabeza.
DOCTORA ¿Le dio fiebre ayer?
JOSÉ LUIS Sí, mi esposa me tomó la temperatura.
DOCTORA ¿Está muy congestionado?
JOSÉ LUIS Sí, y también me duele la garganta.
DOCTORA Es una infección de garganta.
JOSÉ LUIS ¿Tengo que tomar un antibiótico?
DOCTORA Sí, ahora se lo voy a recetar.
Step-by-step explanation:
A doctor woman and a patient called José Luis are having a dialogue. In this exercise, you have to chose the correct option when the corresponding speaker is talking. For a better underestanding of this problem, let's translate the dialogue as follows:
DOCTOR: What symptoms do you have?
JOSÉ LUIS: I have a cough and my head hurts.
DOCTOR: Did you get a fever yesterday?
JOSÉ LUIS: Yes, my wife took my temperature.
DOCTOR: Are you very congested?
JOSÉ LUIS: Yes, and my throat also hurts.
DOCTOR: It is a throat infection.
JOSÉ LUIS: Do I have to take an antibiotic?
DOCTOR: Yes, now I'm going to prescribe it.