Paleontologist------someone who studies fossils
Dormancy-a state of sleep
Incredulous----not believing in something
Excavate--------to take something out of the ground
Anarchy--------a state of having no government.
Step-by-step explanation:
A paleontologist is scientist that study fossils.This specialist examine the fossils to know the history and the process of evolution that occurred.Fossil remains give evidence about the Earth and creatures that existed many years ago.
Dormancy is being inactive for a period of time.In such a state, one could be in a deep sleep. In plants, dormancy occurs when it is alive but inactive. In general, organisms experience dormancy when growth, physical activities and developments stop for a while.
To be incredulous is not having a belief in something.It describes how people feel when they cannot believe in something simple because it is wrong.Believing too easily/credulous is the opposite of Incredulous.
To Excavate is to remove something out of the Earth surface.For example, when an excavator works on our roads, when say it is excavating soil to create drainage ditches or upgrade pavements.A simple form of excavating is digging out soil on the ground.
Anarchy is a state of absence of government where individuals have total freedom.Switzerland is a good example of a country under Anarchy.In this state of governance, a chaotic nature can arise due to lack of laws and poor control of what people do or want.