These aren't equations, just expressions you have to evaluate.
In order to add two fractions that have different denominators, you need to express those fractions in terms of a common denominator by finding the LCM of all the denominators involved.
For the first expression,
because 22 = 2 * 11 and 15 = 3 * 5 share no common divisors, so the LCM would be their product.
Mixed fractions should be rewritten as improper ones:
Now rewrite everything in terms of the common denominator:
and we can rewrite this as a mixed fraction, noting that 975 = 2 * 330 + 315:
For the second expression,
because 14 * 32 = 448, but 14 = 2 * 7 and 32 = 2^5 already share one common factor of 2 that we can factor out from 448.
Dividing by a fraction is the same as multiply by the reciprocal of the fraction by which you're dividing. In other words,
Noticing that 6216 = 9 * 672 + 168, we end up with