1. 1.7 / 100 is 0.017
2. 53.67 to one decimal place is 53.7 ( because the digit after 6, is seven, which is greater than five)
3. 40% of 180 is 72
1/4 of 3/20 is 0.0375
So therefore, 40% of 180 is larger
4.0.6 is 6/10
0.2 is 2/10
0.3 is 3/10
0.4 is 4/10
0.15 is 15
And 3/20 is 15, so 0.15 is equal to 3/20
5. -2/3 is approximately 66%
4/14 is approx. 28%
6/9 is approx. 66%
5/15 is approx. 33%
So therefore. 6/9 is equal to 2/3