To be honest it’s half and half. Learning of bad things people do does not influence me in any way. If a man or woman is a criminal or acts with no moral values whatsoever then any kind of communication or relationship I may have established with the person would immediately end, even if the person were to be my best friend or a boyfriend. The only thing I can offer the person if they were close to me is help financially or if they need a favor, but that’s it. If a man is a criminal or a conman and is direct to me about it since the first meeting then I would feel very insecure to be by their side, I would probably get scared, be paranoid that they might do something to me, etc. So, I would keep the conversation they are offering me reciprocating until the other person leaves or I feel uncomfortable enough to leave on my own and in no way I would ever feel influenced to copy the same behavior the other person has and displayed. However, if the person is good and has beautiful qualities, etc. Then, I would feel tempted to imitate their good qualities and behavior because I know that it will build me up as a person and help me as an individual. If I had a good friend that reflected patience then I would also try to gain that quality, not because I was envious of them but instead because that person is a good influence on me and since they are my friend then they are building me up as a person and helping me transform into someone better. Also, if a person went to a bad experience, I would listen to it and if a similar situation shows up in my life then I will know what to do and avoid at all costs the consequences of the other persons bad experience.
Hope this helps :)