Hello there!
For some students, it is an amazing idea for them to take a gap year after High School. Some students sometimes take two years, depending on what they are spending that two years on.
Here are some other reasons students should take a gap year.
- Gap Year students are more mature: For example, if you take a gap year because you wanted to learn how to change oil in a car...when you go to college, you'll be able to explain and solve the related situation better than the other students.
- Gap Students are Leaders! Whoooaa! They are able to handle things better than other students because that 1 year of being active doing "stuff" gives them the ability to lead others.
- You'll be more confident with your major. The Gap year is a year to see if you really like what you'll have to do for the rest of your life.
- Take a year break from school. Yes, students take Gap year because they just need a break from school "stuff."
There are other reasons out there. I hope my answer helps! As always, it is my pleasure helping students like you. (Remember to use your Gap year wisely)!