All three religions acknowledge that Moses was a prophet of God. Not only that but, the three religions all believe in, an omniscient God, prophets, and life after death. They are also all based on the belief of god. There’s a huge difference like,
Judaism believes there is one God who cannot be made up of parts. To attempt to divide God's oneness is seen as a pagan throwback to many gods. Islam embraces an immaterial, invisible God -- one to be intensely feared in His omnipotence. God could not have children (or a Son) for this blurs the divine/human distinction of an Ultimate God. Christians hold fast to the trinity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. To Christians, God gives a revelation of Himself through the flesh, Jesus Christ, God Incarnate.
But the huge thing that makes them similar is that they all are based on the believe of god.