The correct answers are:
A) La persona que necesita ayuda del médico es el paciente.
The correct term in English of these words would be the patient (who needs help from a doctor).
B) El medico trabaja en una consulta y en el hospital. Practica la medicina.
The correct term in English of these words would be the doctor (who works on an hospital)
C) La persona que no puede andar necesita la silla de ruedas.
The correct term in English of these words would be the wheelchair (used by someone who can't walk)
D) El paso de peatones es donde andan las personas cuando quieren cruzar la calle.
The correct term in English of these words would be the crosswalk (the place where people walks when they want to cross the street)
E) Los aviones salen del aeropuerto.
The correct term in English of this word would be airport. (It is the place where the planes leave.)
F) El pasaporte es el documento importante del aeropuerto.
The correct term in English of these words would be the document. (Refers to the document used to travel at an airport)
G) La sala de emergencia es la parte del hospital para las personas con emergencias.
The correct term in English of these words would be the emergency room.
(the place where people go with an emergency )
H) La policía va a ponerte una multa si manejas tan rápidamente.
The correct term in English of these words would be a fine (a fine made by the police )
I)Si una persona anda delante del carro, es necesario tocar la bocina.
The correct term in English of these words would be to honk. (used when someone walks in front of your car)
J)Los conductores tienen que leer las señales de tráfico.
The correct term in English of these words would be the traffic signs. (something every people who drives should know.)