- Number of different combinations possible: 1,728.
Step-by-step explanation:
The fundamental principle of counting establises tha if there are A ways to perform an action, B way to perform a second independent action, and C ways of performin a third independent action, then the number of ways to perform the three actions is equal to the product A × B × C.
To open the combination lock, you:
- First number (turn the dial to the right and stop at a number): there are 12 different options for the first number.
- Second number (turn the dial to the left and stop at a second number): there are also 12 different options for the second number.
- Third number (turn the dial back to the righ and stop at a third number): again, 12 different options for the third number.
Number of different combinations possible: 12 × 12 × 12 = 1,728.