1. La señora Gandía va a tener un hijo en septiembre. Está embarazada.
2. Manuel tiene la temperatura muy alta. Tiene fiebre.
3. A Rosita le recetaron un antibiótico y le van a poner una inyección.
4. A Pedro le cayó una mesa en el pie. El pie le duele mucho.
5. Durante la primavera, mi tía estornuda mucho y está muy resfriada.
6. Tienes que llevar la indicación a la farmacia para que te vendan la medicina.
7. Le tomaron una placa de la pierna para ver si se le rompió.
8. Los síntomas de un resfriado son los estornudos y la tos.
Step-by-step explanation:
In this exercise, we must choose the more logical words in order for the sentences to make sense. For a better understanding, let's translate each sentence as follows:
1. Mrs. Gandía will have a child in September. She's pregnant .
2. Manuel has a very high temperature. He has fever.
3. Rosita was prescribed an antibiotic and they will give her an injection.
4. Peter dropped a table on his foot. His foot hurts a lot.
5. During the spring, my aunt sneezes a lot and is very cold.
6. You have to take the indication to the pharmacy in order for them to sell you the medicine.
7. They took a plate from his leg to see if it broke.
8. The symptoms of a cold are sneezing and coughing.