Options A), B), C), D)
There are 4 colors of markers.
Take out three "with replacement" markers.
As there is replacement, then the number of markers in the cube does not change in each trial.
A) There is a chance that when you get the three markers always get the same color.
B) It is likely to get a marker of each color
C) If 3 markers are taken it is likely to get the same amount of green and blue markers. For example, if there are 3 markers obtainable: blue, green, yellow. Then the number of blues and yellows is the same.
D) If 3 markers are taken it is likely to obtain the same amount of red and yellow markers. For example, if there are 3 markers you could obtain: red, yellow, blue. Then the number of reds and yellows is the same.
E) It is impossible for this to happen, because if only 3 markers of two different colors are taken, then there will always be 2 markers of one color and only one marker of another color:
green, green, yellow
blue, blue, green
blue, red, red .....
So the first 4 results are possible. Only the last result is impossible to obtain