im sorry i didnt understand the queston but is this what you want ?
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Omen (noun) : a sign of what will happen in the future
2. Rehabilitation (noun) : a process of becoming healthy and active after a bad experience
3. Pressing (adjective) : most important or urgent
4. permission to temporarily stay in a foreign country
5. Interject (verb) : to interrupt someone suddenly
6. A counterpart is a person or thing that closely resembles another person or thing, for example two people of the same age.
7. Connotation (noun) : a feeling beyond its meaning
8. Sophistication (noun) : the feeling of being advanced or more refined
9. seriousness
10. Stereotype (noun) : a belief that all members of a group share common traits
11. Sufficient (adjective) : a good amount of good enough
12. Glorify (verb) : to make something important or to praise it as good
13. Tremendous (adjective) : very great in size or amount
14. Terrain (noun) : an area of land and its physical features (size, layout, etc.)
15. Paces (noun) : steps
16. a term that means behaving aggressively or acting overly proud to be a man
17. Deliberate (adjective) : done with intention or on purpose
18. Belittle (verb) : to talk down or make fun of someone
19. A watered-down version of something is a weak or simple version.
20. A guerrilla tactic is a war or fighting strategy.
21. Naive innocence is an expression that means lack of life experience in or understanding about the bad things of the world.