1. meter - the arrangement of beats or accents in a line of poetry
2. didactic - meant to instruct; having a moral
3. sonnet - a poem having fourteen lines and a formal arrangement of rhymes, usually written in iambic pentameter
4. sestet - a poem or stanza of six lines; the last six lines of a Petrarchan sonnet
5. epic - a long poem relating the adventures of a hero or heroes, written in a dignified, majestic style
6. octave - a group of eight lines of poetry; the first eight lines of a Petrarchan sonnet
7. terza rima - an Italian form of iambic verse consisting of ten-syllable or eleven-syllable lines arranged in triplets, the middle line of each triplet rhyming with the first and third lines of the following triplet (aba, bcb, cdc, etc.)
8. imagery - comparisons, descriptions, and figures of speech that help the mind form forceful or beautiful pictures
9. quatrain - a stanza or poem with four lines, usually with alternate rhymes
10. couplet - two successive lines of poetry, especially two that rhyme with each other, having the same number of feet