Crossword puzzle
4A One who handles, controls, or directs.(7) manager
8A Ludicrously comical. (4) zany
9A To be a hindrance or obstacle to. (6) impede
11A The act of pondering or meditation. (10) rumination
18A Marked by success or favorable circumstances. (10) auspicious
19A Provides aditional strength. (13) reinforcement
20A Of a doubtful or uncertain nature. (9) equivocal
1D Avoiding waste. (6) frugal
2D Worn out or weary. (5) jaded
3D One who puts on an air of learning. (6) pedant
5D Something offensive to the eye or sight. (7) eyesore
6D Offensive to one´s moral standards. (7) obscene
7D To deprive of status or authority. (6) divest
10D Without qualification or exception. (11) unmitigated
12D To request or entreat. (8) petition
13D Progress by large jumps. (8) leapfrog
14D Knotted or twisted. (7) gnarled
15D To criticize severely. (9) castigate
16D Full of deep-seated resentment. (9) rancorous
17D Invulnerable to fear. (9) dauntless