After the Civil War came to an end it became a bound necessity to integrate former slaves from the negro race as well as rebellious citizens and others back into the American country. Such deed started the beginning of a new era. This new era allowed the negro slaves to have the equal liberties and same liberties as any white man. However, such ideals have been cut short by state representatives who disfavor the newly freed negroes and disproving citizens of the white race. Although the 13th amendment has done a grand favor to the negro man, woman and child by giving them liberty, there is still much work implied if there is to be a drastic change within the nation and the intolerant nature by part of some of the people of the white race within America. There are more than 6 million negroes that have been freed and are roaming freely throughout the streets of the American nation with no fear of punishment by part of masters or law enforcement that capture them to return their souls to their strict, firm, and sometimes even dictating masters.
The true intent of this report is to peruse at length the effects of the Reconstruction plan at work in our present time America. It’s specific purpose is to inform the benefits and consequences caused by the decisions made accomplished by former president Abraham Lincoln and actual president Andrew; another reason for which this report is written is to offer recommendations as well to the Republican and Democratic individuals in charge of the states as well as to the American government in general.
The three parts of this report shall discuss the complications that have arrived after during the period of reconstruction such as: lack of racial tolerance, injustice, and Ku Klux Clan assaults. The major muddles though were found amongst the representatives of the states who still agree in pursuing the ways of the negro slavery and are unable to free away the resentments they may have towards former negro slaves who are no longer a source for unpaid labor and economic profit. There is to be drastic measures concerning the current issue of reconstruction by giving the negro population adequate services and recognition as American individuals, ending injustice concerning the free formed slaves, detaining the Ku Klux Clan from damaging the pride and dignity of new formed slaves as well as America and forging new laws to protect the negro race from any more suffrage be it in its physical or mental form.
Drastic measures should take place within the American nation concerning the negro race. President Lincoln the former president assured that “... our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” The white and the negro race are considered holy under God’s will and under the constitution and the law forged by the fathers who founded America as a whole considered all men equal. Abraham’s views upon slavery were fair, though many may not agree. His opinion on the matter was that “... this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” All men and women have a certain right and such right must be recognized by the government who works in favor for the people. The former president also assured that “Most governments have been based, practically, on the denial of the equal rights of men, as I have, in part, stated them; ours began, by affirming those rights. They said, some men are too ignorant, and vicious, to share in government. Possibly so, said we; and, by your system, you would always keep them ignorant and vicious. We proposed to give all a chance; and we expected the weak to grow stronger, the ignorant, wiser; and all better, and happier together.” Therefore, all races including the negro is equal in Gods eyes and though the negro may seem in a way to fall behind in the white mans customs and the white mans intellectual capacity of understanding and knowledge, there is a chance that they are able to equal the white race and perhaps even surpass the white mans understanding and knowledge...