DOCTORA: ¿Qué síntomas tiene?
JOSÉ LUIS: Tengo tos y me duele la cabeza.
DOCTORA: ¿Le dio fiebre ayer?
JOSÉ LUIS: Sí, mi esposa me tomó la temperatura.
DOCTORA: ¿Está muy congestionado?
JOSÉ LUIS: Sí, y también me duele la garganta.
DOCTORA: Es una infección de garganta.
JOSÉ LUIS: ¿Tengo que tomar un antibiótico?
DOCTORA: Sí, ahora se lo voy a recetar.
Step-by-step explanation:
In this exercise, we have a dialogue between a Doctor woman and José Luis the patient. We must chose the correct option when the corresponding speaker is talking. Hence, we can better understand this problem by translating the dialogue as follows:
DOCTOR: What symptoms do you have?
JOSÉ LUIS: I have a cough and my head hurts.
DOCTOR: Did you get a fever yesterday?
JOSÉ LUIS: Yes, my wife took my temperature.
DOCTOR: Are you very congested?
JOSÉ LUIS: Yes, and my throat also hurts.
DOCTOR: It is a throat infection.
JOSÉ LUIS: Do I have to take an antibiotic?
DOCTOR: Yes, now I'm going to prescribe it.