Here are the definitions of each of those kinds of sentences, so that you can write your own if you're not a fan of mine:
Declarative sentence = A sentence that relays information; Almost always ends in periods.
Exclamatory sentence = A sentence that conveys hightened emotion, often using exclamation points.
Interrogative sentence = Asks a question; It can be open-ended (does not require yes or no answer) or direct (requires a yes or no answer).
Step-by-step explanation:
Declarative sentences:
- The French Revolution began in May of 1789.
- Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun.
- Berlin is in Germany.
- In the United States, minors cannot legally drink alcohol.
- Llamas are a kind of animal.
Exclamatory sentences:
- I hate you!
- I'm so sick of people saying that love is all a woman is fit for, I'm so sick of it!
- Don't you disrespect me, little man!
- Kill the beast!
- Beware!
Interrogative sentences:
- How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
- What is two plus two?
- Is that carriage magenta or burgundy?
- Where are my keys?
- Am I a fool?