The correct answer is D. The Allies were attacking Germany from three different directions.
Step-by-step explanation:
1. At the end of October 1942, when the Wehrmacht fought fiercely on the Soviet-Germanic front, the Anglo-American troops activated the war actions in North Africa, carrying out the operation of El Alamein (1942) and the Operation of Landing of the North of Africa (1942). In the spring of 1943 they carried out the operation in Tunisia. In July-August 1943, the Anglo-American troops, taking advantage of the favorable situation (the main German forces were occupied in the Battle of Kursk), disembarked in Sicily and took the island. On July 25, 1943 the Italian fascist regime fell, on September 3 it signed an armistice with the allies. The departure of Italy from the war began the disintegration of the fascist bloc.
2. As a result of the devastating blows of the Soviet Army, the German Nazi invaders were expelled from the Soviet Union. During the ensuing offensive the Armed Forces of the USSR carried out a liberation mission in relation to the countries of Europe, they played a decisive role with the help of their peoples in the liberation of Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Austria and other States.
3. The Anglo-American troops landed on June 6, 1944 in Normandy, opening the second front, and began the advance to Germany. In winter of 1944-1945 the German Nazi troops defeated the allies on the western front during the operation of the Ardennes. To support the allies and at their request, the Red Army began its winter offensive before the scheduled time. After regaining their positions at the end of January, the allies crossed the Rhine during the Veritable Operation (1945) and in April carried out the operation of the Ruhr Exchange (1945), which culminated in the siege and imprisonment of an important enemy group. During the Operation of Northern Italy (1945) the Allied troops, with the help of local guerrillas in early May 1945 liberated Italy.