The correct answers are B and C. A system is a group of objects analyzed as one unit, and energy that moves across system boundaries is conserved.
Step-by-step explanation:
A system is "a complex object whose parts or components are related to at least some of the other components", it can be material or conceptual. All systems have composition, structure and environment, but only material systems have mechanisms (or processes), and only some material systems have shape (form).
According to systemism, all objects are systems or components of another system. For example, an atomic nucleus is a physical material system composed of protons and neutrons related by strong nuclear interaction; a molecule is a chemical material system composed of atoms related by chemical bonds; a cell is a biological material system composed of related organelles by non-covalent chemical bonds and metabolic pathways; a cerebral cortex is a biological material system composed of neurons related by action potentials and neurotransmitters; an army is a social and partially artificial material system composed of people and related artifacts by command, supply, communication and war; and a scientific theory is a logical conceptual system composed of hypotheses, definitions, and theorems related by correlation and deduction.