The right comparative form that could be used for each sentence is:
1. Tu pasaje costó 400 pesos y el mío sólo 250 pesos.
- Tu pasaje es más caro que el mío.
2. No me gusta este hostal, las camas son más cómodas en un hotel.
- Las camas de un hotel son mejores que las camas de un hostal.
3. Mi tren llegó con cinco horas de retraso. El tuyo llegó puntual.
- Mi tren llegó con más retraso que el tuyo.
4. En temporada baja los pasajeros pagan menos por sus viajes.
- Viajar en temporada baja es más barato que viajar en temporada alta.
Step-by-step explanation:
In Spanish, the comparative form could be:
- Inferiority comparatives: Using the words (menos-que).
- Equality Comparatives: Using the words (tan-como).
- Superiority comparatives: Using the words (más-que).
With the exception of the adjective "good", whose comparative form of superiority is better.
In each sentence, the following was taken into account to select the correct option:
1. The passage of the other person costs 400 and that of the speaker costs 250, therefore it must be said that the passage of the other is more expensive than that of the speaker.
2. Since it is mentioned that hotel beds are more comfortable, then the best option is to say that hotel beds are better than those of hostels.
3. If the speaker's train arrived five hours late and that of the other person arrived on time, the comparation must say that the speaker's train arrived later than that of the other person.
4. Since it is mentioned that in the low season the travelers pay less, the appropriate comparison must say that traveling in the low season is cheaper or less expensive.