The answer is (b)
* Lets check how to find the inverse of the matrix,
its dimensions is 2 × 2
* To know if the inverse of the matrix exist find the determinant
- If its not equal 0, then it exist
* How to find the determinant
- It is the difference between the multiplication of
the diagonals of the matrix
Ex: If the matrix is
its determinant = ad - bc
- After that lets swap the positions of a and d, put negatives
in front of b and c, and divide everything by the determinant
- The inverse will be
![\left[\begin{array}{ccc}(d)/(ad-bc) &(-b)/(ad-bc)\\(-c)/(ad-bc) &(a)/(ad-bc)\end{array}\right]](
* Lets do that with our problem
∵ The determinant = (9 × 9) - (-2 × -10) = 81 - 20 = 61
- The determinant ≠ 0, then the inverse is exist
∴ The inverse is
![\left[\begin{array}{ccc}(9)/(61)&(2)/(61)\\(10)/(61) &(9)/(61)\end{array}\right]](
* The answer is (b)