climate is defined as the statistics of weather which remains in an area for a period of time. different elements are involved to asses the climate of any specific are which include, humidity, temperature, wind , atmospheric pressure, precipitation and other variables. but in the modern times since humans has evolved, they have created a lot of problems for themselves. the weather conditions are going harsh and the global temperature has increased by two degrees Centigrade. the ozone layer has been effected and the ultraviolet rays directly hit the Earth causing increased rate in cancer and health related problems. from agriculture prospective, the per capita yield is low as the weather patterns are changing.
similarly, the deforestation and excessive urbanization is other major concern for our future. the natural pattern has been challenged and the animals are going extinct the example of Polar bears and Rhinos are infront of us.
in a nutshell the future seems very uncertain if the activities of human beings tend to continue at the same pace. the coming generation will face a lot of problems. but, we can reverse that by planting more trees, managing the resources with care and creating awareness among the masses to love the dear Earth