-2x2a • (2x2 + 4b - 5)
Step by step solution :
Step 1 :
Equation at the end of step 1 :
2xa • ((-4xb - 2x3) + 5x)
Step 2 :
Step 3 :
Pulling out like terms :
3.1 Pull out like factors :
-2x3 - 4xb + 5x = -x • (2x2 + 4b - 5)
Trying to factor a multi variable polynomial :
3.2 Factoring 2x2 + 4b - 5
Try to factor this multi-variable trinomial using trial and error
Factorization fails
Multiplying exponential expressions :
3.3 x1 multiplied by x1 = x(1 + 1) = x2
Final result :
-2x2a • (2x2 + 4b - 5)