1. The suggested meaning of a word - connotation
2. Spreading misinformation to create a desired public opinion - dishonest propaganda
3. "Dental Gloss: the official toothpaste of the Pro Football Players' League." - transfer technique
4. "What if your father was hurt? Support the Red Cross." - emotional appeal
5. "Use Okline . . . be free of bugs!" - directive language
6. An idea suggested but not directly stated (hinted at) - implication
7. "Read the book that is taking the whole country by storm." - bandwagon
8. "Only democrats have the answer to peace." - black or white fallacy
9. The actual definition of a word - denotation
10. "College entrance exams require a thorough knowledge of analogies." - bias
Step-by-step explanation:
Connotation refers to a feeling or an idea which something insinuates or points to - the suggested meaning of a word
Dishonest propaganda is an information of questionable nature used to propagate a point of view - spreading misinformation to create a desired public opinion
Transfer technique is a technique of shifting a person's focus from one thing to another - "Dental Gloss: the official toothpaste of the Pro Football Players' League."
Emotional appeal is a technique in communication in which the speaker makes an appeal to the the emotion of the people rather than he logic - "What if your father was hurt? Support the Red Cross."
Directive language is to express an idea in a straightforward manner - "Use Okline . . . be free of bugs!"
Implication refers to an inference which can be gathered or drawn from a statement or information although it was not explicitly said - an idea suggested but not directly stated (hinted at)
Bandwagon is used to describe an activity that is trending & gaining more support - "Read the book that is taking the whole country by storm."
Black or white fallacy refers to when an arguer tries to over-simplify a much more complex statement. A statement where 'black or white' will not suffice but rather an alternative like 'grey' - "Only democrats have the answer to peace."
Denotation refers to the literal meaning of a word despite the ideas it seems to suggest - the actual definition of a word
Bias refers to an inclination towards or against a thing - College entrance exams require a thorough knowledge of analogies