Joining a gang or crew can give you a sense of belonging and acceptance, but often being associated with one can lead to dangerous consequences. Here are some ways to explore alternatives to gang membership and how to safely “leave” a gang if you’re already involved. Some of these steps can take time, but with dedication and the support of your family, you can change your life.Young people who feel they are not respected by their peers, families or communities turn to gangs for the identity and respect that families normally provide. Youth who see themselves as “weak” or “powerless” may join gangs to become “stronger” and “protected.” Often these individuals suffer from a lack of support from their family and therefore seek support within the gangs.
Young people who crave excitement because gang members and the media often glamorize the gang life style.
Young people who cannot resist peer pressure may join because their friends are in gangs. They may feel pressured to join to be part of the a crowd