-spread Islam to Iran and Afghanistan -Arabs
-traveled trade routes to spread Islam -Muslim missionaries
-spread Islam into Hindu-dominated India-Ghaznavids
Step-by-step explanation:
Muslim expansion or the expansion of Islam began in the Arabian peninsula in southwestern Asia. It is the denomination that usually occurs to the military conquests or trade reforms of the Arab Muslim civilization in which the Sassanid Empire, North Africa, and the Iberian Peninsula, including parts of the Byzantine Empire, would fall. denomination the influence of the merchants in the Maghreb and in Africa, and the missions made in the Philippines.
This period began from the year 622 when Muhammad organized in Medina a group of soldiers that soon became strong enough to unify the entire Arabian peninsula.After Muhammad's death in 632, Islam had a surprisingly rapid expansion during A century, favored in the first instance by the weakness of the Byzantine Empire, and occupied all of North Africa, Iran, the southern part of Central Asia, the west of the Indian subcontinent, Spain and the south of France. This first stage concluded with several defeats, such as the Battle of Poitiers (732) and others against the Byzantines and Hindus, and with the dissolution of the Umayyad Caliphate.
During the following centuries, Islam achieved several advances in other fronts, as in the rest of Central Asia, in Asia Minor, in southern Italy, in Eastern Europe, in Southeast Asia and in sub-Saharan Africa. However, all these advances were produced by different States independent of each other. While these advances were taking place, Islam was forced to retreat in Western Europe, especially by the so-called Spanish Reconquista. In the last third of the sixteenth century, a last Muslim state with universal pretensions, the Ottoman Empire, reached its maximum expansion.
Throughout this period of almost a millennium great events, events and processes took place, very different from each other, differentiated temporally and geographically, especially within Islam, some of which were the cause of their own destruction (especially the way to govern). After the conquest of Arabia carried out by Muhammad years before his death and continued by his followers, they managed to unify the kingdom into a single government, which had to fulfill "the word of God", besides respecting the opinions of other citizens , but that changed years later according to scientists during the government of Abdel Mumin, in 1130-1163, after the death of Ibn Tumart.