The Pyramid of the Sun
Step-by-step explanation:
Teotihuacan is located 45 km from Mexico City and, according to Aztec cosmography, it was there that the Sun and Moon originated. The city's origins date back to the 4th century BC. C., but its heyday corresponds to the ancient classical era (250-650 AD). The Pyramid of the Sun, belonging to the classical era, is located in the ceremonial center of Teotihuacan, which extends along a north-south axis. It is its most important monument. It rests on a quadrangular base of 222 x 225 meters and stands 64 meters high.
The pyramid, made up of five bodies, whose slope of the walls is very pronounced, was only the base of a temple, teocalli, which stood on the last platform, top of the entire structure. It was accessed to the temple (today missing) by a staircase. It therefore has the function of supporting the temple pedestal. The staggering to which it is subjected provides a tremendous sense of horizontality very much in keeping with the spirituality of Teotihuacan's art.
The core of the pyramid is made of adobe that has been coated with stucco or stone and later ornamented with geometric and stylized friezes and reliefs.
This pyramid is in the so-called Pre-Hispanic City of Teotihuacan, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1987.