20 Points, please help!
Summarize the paragraph in 2-3 sentences.
Tribal Nations: Climate Change Threatens Traditional Ways of Life
Of the 5.2 million American Indians and Alaska Natives registered in the U.S. Census, approximately 1.1 million live on or near reservations or native lands, located mostly in the Northwest, Southwest, Great Plains, and Alaska, although indigenous communities can be found throughout the U.S. Climate change poses particular threats to indigenous culture, well-being, and ways of life in every region of the United States. Chronic stresses such as extreme poverty are being exacerbated by climate change impacts: these impacts include reduced access to traditional foods, decreased water quality, and increasing exposure to health and safety hazards. In Alaska, Maine, the Pacific Northwest, and other coastal locations, erosion and inundation related to climate change are so severe that some communities are already relocating from historical homelands to which their traditions and cultural identities are tied.
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