- Suez War
- Six Day War
- Yom Kippur War
- Camp David Accords
- Oslo Accords
Step-by-step explanation:
The Suez Crisis or Suez War (1956) was a political confrontation in Egypt. This was a crisis as it threatened to divide the United States and Great Britain, allies since the Second World War. The crisis was solved through peace-keeping efforts.
The Six Day War was a war between Israel and the United Arab Republic (nowadays Egypt), Jordan and Syria. It began when Israel invaded the Sinai peninsula in 1956, with the objective of reopening the Straits of Tiran.
The Yom Kippur War was fought from October 6 to 25, 1973. It involved a coalition of Arab states on one side (led by Egypt and Syria) and Israel on the other one. Egypt's objective was to seize a foothold on the east bank of the Suez Canal in order to negotiate the return of the Sinai.
The Camp David Accords were signed in 1978. These were signed by Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in the White House. The agreements were also witnessed by U. S. President Jimmy Carter.
The Oslo Accords were a set of agreements between the Government of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Oslo Accord I was signed in 1993, while Oslo Accord II was signed in 1995. The documents were intended to help in finding a solution to the problem of Palestinian self-determination.