• __INDIA__ began to see themselves as one people and came together as one against the British.
• ___MAHATMA GHANDI___ was an Indian Nationalist who advocated for nonviolent protests. He made civil disobedience accessible for all protesters and helped unit people regardless of background.
• After WWII, the United States wanted to ensure ___JAPAN___ would not fall to communism. The United States invested heavily in the Japanese economy to ensure economic prosperity and set up a new democratic government in the country.
• ___MAO ZEDONG__ was a revolutionary communist leader of China who brought the communist part to power.
The Second Sino-Japanese War_ was a disaster and led to massive famine throughout China.
• _THE CULTURAL REVOLUTION__ begun by Mao in 1966, sought to drive moderates from the Communist Party, eliminates the “Four Olds” (old culture, customs, habits, and ideas), and instill a spirit of permanent revolution; ended with Mao’s death in 1976
• In April 1989, over 10,000 students gathered in Beijing’s _TIANANMEN SQUARE___ protesting corruption within the communist party and asking for a move towards democracy. The Chinese government denounced the protestors as anti-government and antiparty; June4, 1989, the Chinese army used live ammunition, tanks and armored personnel carriers to force their way into the square and disburse the protestors; Communist Party denies that the massacre happened and forbids mention of it in China; estimations place the death toll from between 300-1,000 people
• During the Cold War, the United States created a policy of __CONTAINMENT___ which meant that no new countries or colonies would become communist.
• The United States became involved in the __COLD WAR______ and __WORLD WAR II___ to stop the spread of communism.