Ok. If you do not mind I would like to give you some pointers. I hope you do not take this at all offensively, I sincerely want to help. When I was reading your paragraphs, I notices a lot of run-ons. "But I think she is a bad teacher for the fact of her work etiquette she had been late or gone several days of the week, she was rude, and I honestly didn’t feel like she cared about the children education because of the times she would go off on her phone or give us assignments that were overly off topic." If you were to try to fix this sentence for a practice, the first thing that will have to go is the Conjunction at the beginning. Most teachers do not care, but if you want to be grammatically correct, it's going to be a bad idea to keep the "But" at the beginning. Next step is to try to make this sentence shorter in a way. Break it up into different sentences you know? Try to give your paper more body with more ideas of what you thought about the teacher. Try to get the reader to understand why you do not like her and get us to not like her either.
Have you ever had a teacher that you just didn't like? The one that just doesn't seem to care if you show up or not. A teacher who didn't really care id you passed their class with good grades or completely flunk. Then every once in awhile you get that great teacher that kind of makes you forget about that bad one. A teacher so good, that they almost make you forget that there are any bad teachers at all. This teacher almost seems like a super hero who you can always count on and know will always help you in darkest hours. From my past experiences, I have had both. In this essay, I will share my stories of each one.