This exercise stands for two different problems. Let's solve each as follows:
Here we need to fill in the blank with the correct word. The blanks must be filled with a corresponding Possessive adjective. These are are used to indicate ownership or possession.They agree in both gender and number with the thing possessed, not the possessor. So we have five (5) blanks and they will be filled as follows:
Muchos de mis amigos y parientes viven en otros países. Mi amiga Catalina y sus padres viven en España; mi primo Augusto sus abuelos viven en Guatemala; mis primas Francesca y Paulina viven con su madre en Canadá; y mis amigos Diego y Carlos viven en Chile.
Thus, we have the correct options:
(1) sus - The possessed thing is padres (plural form)
(2) mi - The possessed thing is primo (singular form)
(3) sus - The possessed thing is abuelos (plural form)
(4) su - The possessed thing is madre (singular form)
(5) mis - The possessed thing is amigos (plural form)
In this second problem, we must give an answer to the corresponding question. Therefore, we have the following dialogues:
- ¿Alicia va a venir con sus hermanos?
- No, ella no va a venir con sus hermanos.
The answer here is given in negative form. The question is:
Is Alice going to come with her brothers?
So the answer means:
No, she is not going to come with her brothers.
- ¿Ése es tu lápiz?
- No, ése no es mi l[apiz
The answer here is also given in negative form. The question is:
Is that your pencil?
So the answer means:
No, that isn't my pencil
- ¿Cuál es mi silla?
- Ésta es tu silla.
The answer here is given in positive form. The question is:
Which is my chair?
So the answer means:
This is your chair
- ¿Dónde está la casa de la familia Dávila?
- Allí está su casa.
The answer here is given in negative form. The question is:
Where is the Family Dávila's house?
So the answer means:
There is their house